MMarmalade Organisation

MMarmalade Organisation

From 2019 to 2022 I organised multiple GameJams at my University

Because I thought we do not have enough game-jams in Salzburg, together with some colleagues I started to host 1 game-jam in each semester. The first one took place at our university, but because of the pandemic all other game-jams were done online. Each MMarmalade GameJam hat a special theme. We prepared multiple themes and draw one of them out of a marmalade glass.

I took care about the most things that had to be done, like scheduling, prices for the winners, registration forms and more, so the event could happen without many problems.

Starting with the 6th MMarmalde, I gave most of the responsibilities to some ambitious new students :)

  1. MMarmalade 1 (November 2019)
  2. MMarmalade 2 (April 2020)
  3. MMarmalade 3 (November 2020)
  4. MMarmalade 4 (April 2021)
  5. MMarmalade 5 (November 2021)
  6. MMarmalade 6 (April 2022)

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